Fabian MC3A4ser

Home * People * Fabian Mäser

Fabian Mäser [1] Fabian Mäser,

a Swiss computer scientist, FIDE Master in chess [2], and former member of Jürg Nievergelt’s research group at Institute of Theoretical Computer Science at ETH Zurich. He defended his Ph.D. thesis Divide and Conquer in Game Tree Search on combinatorial game theory in 2001 [3]. He is currently affiliated with the Ergon software company in Zürich [4].

Selected Publications

[5] [6]

1995 …

2000 …


  1. Image clipped from Fabian Mäser - Ergon Informatik AG
  2. Maeser, Fabian FIDE Chess Profile
  3. Fabian Mäser (2001). Divide and Conquer in Game Tree Search: Algorithms, Software and Case Studies. Ph.D. thesis. ETH Zurich
  4. Ergon Company
  5. ICGA Reference Database
  6. dblp: Fabian Mäser

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