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Excellence (6080) [1] Excellence, (Fidelity Excellence)

a dedicated chess computer by Fidelity Electronics, produced and distributed since 1985 in various editions of the Chess Challenger housing. The computer ran an improved Elite 6502 program of the shared WMCCC 1984 champion, which was a Sargon based program by Dan and Kathe Spracklen at 3 or 4 MHz, while a 8 MHz version played the 1985 U.S. Open Championship in Hollywood, Florida [2]. The Excellence was announced by Fidelity as “over 2000 rated machine” that would sell for “under $100”. Strength claims were subject of a lawsuit between Fidelity Electronics and ICD Corporation, who assigned a more skeptical but realistic “over 1700” rating in their Chess Life promotion of the Excellence [3].

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Chess Computer



  1. Flickr - Fotosharing - 2. Fidelity by Chewbanta
  2. Editors (1985). 1985 U.S. Open Championship - Hollywood, Florida - August 4-16, 1985. Computer Chess Reports 1985, Vol. 3, No. 2
  3. The Fidelity vs. ICD/Your Move Lawsuit… The Epic by Steven Schwartz, CCC, October 19, 2000

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