Excalibur LCD Chess

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Excalibur LCD Chess [1] Excalibur LCD Chess, (Excalibur 375-1 LCD Computer Chess)

a dedicated travel chess computer by Excalibur Electronics, released in 2000 [2]. The computer consists of a Samsung KS57C21516 controller with a SAM47 4-bit core [3] at 1.5 MHz with 16 KiB ROM and 544 nibbles of RAM, and a LCD board and button panel including the central eight-direction rocker button to interact with the user. The program and the new housing was developed and designed by Ron Nelson during his sabbatical in late 1999 [4]. The 4-bit program applies sophisticated PV move and killer move ordering heuristics [5], to become the base program used for subsequent Excalibur models like King Arthur, Igor II, the Excalibur Chess Station, LCD Chess & Checkers and many others.

Talking LCD Chess

Excalibur’s Talking LCD Chess on the other hand was a relative of the 6502 line of Nelson programs as used in Ivan II The Conqueror and Alexandra The Great. It was released in 2002 with a Sunplus SPL191B-063A controller at 3 MHz with 256 KiB ROM and 704 bytes RAM.

LCD Chess Express

A further model of Nelson’s 6502 line, LCD Chess Express, released in 2005 with a Sunplus SPLB33A controller at 4MHz, 64 KiB ROM 1216 bytes RAM.

See also


Forum Posts

Ron Nelson by ChessChallenger, Hiarcs Forum, December 23, 2015 » Fidelity Electronics, Sidney Samole Re: Ron Nelson by ChessChallenger, Hiarcs Forum, December 24, 2015

Chess Computer



  1. Capture from the Video
  2. Chess Products Ron Nelson designed/programmed by ChessChallenger, Hiarcs Forum, January 11, 2016
  3. KS57C21132 Single-chip CMOS Microcontroller
  4. Ron Nelson by ChessChallenger, Hiarcs Forum, December 23, 2015
  5. Ron Nelson by ChessChallenger, Hiarcs Forum, December 23, 2015

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