Evgeniy Korniloff

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Evgeniy Korniloff [1] Evgeniy Korniloff, (Евгения Корнилова)

a Russian computer scientist, and games and chess programmer from the Saint Petersburg area. He is author of the chess programs OBender, previously known as QChess and Chess, and its branch Woodpecker [2] [3], and the games and chess programming book Программирование шахмат и других логических игр (Programming Chess and other logical games), which includes a brief history on computer chess, explanations of game playing algorithms and programming languages like Pascal, C and C++, and source code listings of computer games and chess programs, especially QChess [4], second edition published in 2012.

Selected Publications


  1. Image from Домашняя страничка Евгения Корнилова | Evgeniy Korniloff Home Page
  2. OBender (ранее - Qchess-chess) by Evgeniy Korniloff, Russia from sdchess.ru
  3. Highest number of programs? by Tony Thomas, CCC, October 30, 2007
  4. Evgeniy Korniloff (2005, 2012). Программирование шахмат и других логических игр. (Programming Chess and other logical games), Глава 1. Общие сведения (Chapter I, Overview) as pdf, Шахматы (Chess) 2nd edition as pdf

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