Erik D. Demaine

Home * People * Erik D. Demaine

[ Demaines, Spight and Conway [1] Erik D. Demaine,

a Canadian American mathematician, computer scientist and professor of computer science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and member of the Theory of Computation group at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. His research interests include data structures such as binary search trees, the mathematics of paper folding as well as combinatorial game theory. Mathematical origami artwork by Erik and his father Martin L. Demaine was part of the Design and the Elastic Mind exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in 2008 [2].

Selected Publications

[3] [4]

1998 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Erik Demaine (left) with Martin Demaine (center) and Bill Spight (background) watch John Conway (foreground) do a card trick at Workshop on Combinatorial Game Theory at Banff International Research Station, June, 2005, Photo by Thane Plambeck, June 21 2005, Erik Demaine from Wikipedia
  2. Computational Origami (2008): Curved-Crease Sculpture by Erik and Martin Demaine
  3. Erik Demaine’s Papers
  4. dblp: Erik D. Demaine
  5. Buddy memory allocation from Wikipedia
  6. Phutball from Wikipedia
  7. Tango tree from Wikipedia

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