Eric Brewer

Home * People * Eric Brewer

[-2.jpg) Eric Brewer [1] Eric A. Brewer,

an American computer scientist, technologist, professor emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley and vice-president of infrastructure at Google, in 1996 founder of Inktomi. His research interests include operating systems, distributed computing and wireless network, and in the late 90s, he formulated the CAP theorem about distributed network applications [2]. While graduate student at MIT, Eric Brewer was contributor of the massive parallel chess program *Socrates, as mentioned in the participant list of the ACM 1994 booklet [3].

Selected Publications


1990 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Eric Brewer at TNW Conference, Amsterdam 2015, Photo by Vera de Kok, April 23, 2015, Eric Brewer (scientist) from Wikipedia
  2. Eric Brewer (2000). Towards robust distributed systems. PODC 2000, 2004 pdf
  3. The 24th ACM International Computer Chess Championship from The Computer History Museum, pdf
  4. dblp: Eric A. Brewer
  5. Kubernetes from Wikipedia
  6. Kubernetes: The Path to Cloud Native - Eric Brewer, YouTube Video
  7. Borg (cluster manager) from Wikipedia

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