
Home * Engines * Embla

[ Ask and Embla [1] Embla,

an UCI compliant chess engine by Folkert van Heusden, first released in August 2015 [2]. Since version 0.8 Embla supports Syzygy endgame bases, since version 2.0.0, Embla features Lazy SMP. So far, Embla played thd PT 49, PT 50 and PT 51 over the board. The program is further incorporated inside Folkert’s self made chess computer board, dubbed Embla Board [3], and is tested within a Raspberry Pi cluster. The engine was available as source for Linux, Android, MacOS X and Windows operating systems.

Embla Cluster

Raspberry Pi cluster testing new Embla versions [4]

See also

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Chess Engine



  1. Ask und Embla - The First Human Beings, Odin in the background, Stamp FO 430 by Postverk Føroya after a motiv of Anker Eli Petersen, 2003. Wikimedia Commons, Ask und Embla - Wikipedia.de (German)
  2. Embla by Folkert van Heusden, CCC, August 26, 2015
  3. chess computer board by Folkert van Heusden, CCC, April 27, 2016
  4. Image courtesy Folkert van Heusden, June 01, 2017
  5. Chess programs :: Source available, but not today? by Günther Simon, CCC, November 23, 2020

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