Edoardo Manino

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Edoardo Manino [1] Edoardo Manino,

an Italian computer scientist, chess player and computer chess programmer. He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in computer engineering from Polytechnic University of Turin and Polytechnic University of Milan respectively, and is currently postgraduate research student at University of Southampton, researching in machine learning and algorithmic game theory [2]. Edoardo is author of the open source chess engines ProChess, written in Visual Basic [3], and RamJet, written in C.

Selected Publications

[4] [5]

Forum Posts


  1. Edoardo Manino | Electronics and Computer Science | University of Southampton
  2. Edoardo Manino | Electronics and Computer Science | University of Southampton
  3. ProChess102AD.zip | readme.txt
  4. dblp: Edoardo Manino
  5. Edoardo Manino - Google Scholar Citations
  6. Bayesian inference from Wikipedia

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