
Home * Engines * Eden

[.jpg) The Garden of Eden [1] Eden,

a Chess Engine Communication Protocol and UCI compliant chess engine by Nicolai Czempin, written in Java. Eden is a tribute to Wilkins’ Paradise [2], but apparently does not incorporate Paradise’ search paradigms. Eden represents the board as one-dimensional 10x8 array, and applies a straight forward alpha-beta with iterative deepening and quiescence search, utilizing three Zobrist based Hash tables for transpositions, pawn structure, and opening book [3].

See also

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Chess Engine


feat. Andrea Ayassot, Aldo Mella, Francesco Sotgiu


  1. Man Made in the Image of God, as in Genesis 1:26 to 2:3, illustration from a Bible card published 1906 by the Providence Lithograph Company, Wikimedia Commons
  2. Announcement: Eden 0.0.12 released! by Nicolai Czempin, CCC, August 09, 2007
  3. Announcement: Eden 0.0.12 released! by Nicolai Czempin, CCC, August 09, 2007

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