
Home * Games * Draughts

[ 10×10 Draughts starting position [1] Draughts,

a group of two-player zero-sum and perfect information abstract strategy board games which involve diagonal moves of uniform game pieces and mandatory captures by jumping over opponent pieces. The most popular forms are international draughts, also called Polish draughts, played on a 10×10 board and topic of this page, and 8x8 Checkers.

International Draughts

The starting position of international draughts has 20 men each placed on its home squares of the 50 relevant dark squares. If a men land on the opponent back rank, it promotes to a king. Men can move diagonally forward, and in international draughts capture forward and backward by moving two consecutive steps in the same line, jumping over the piece on the first step. Multiple opposing pieces may be captured in a single turn provided this is done by successive jumps made by a single piece. The jumps do not need to be in the same line but may “zigzag”. In international draughts, kings (sometimes called flying kings) move any distance along unblocked diagonals, and may capture an opposing man any distance away by jumping to any of the unoccupied squares immediately beyond it. Since captured pieces remain on the board until the turn is complete, it is possible to reach a position in a multi-capture move where the flying king is blocked from capturing further by a piece already captured.

Computer Draughts

10x10 Computer Draughts is regular played at the Computer Olympiad. Some (former) chess programmers were or are also active in Computer Draughts, such as Ard van Bergen, Joost Buijs, Eric van Riet Paap, Vincent Diepeveen, Gijsbert Wiesenekker, and Fabien Letouzey [2]. The 18th Computer Olympiad, Leiden 2015 had 12 participants, a gained some interests in the computer chess comunity also because Fabien Letouzey participated with his new Draughts program Scan, and even won the tournament. Computer Draughts is a bitboard friendly game, three (all, kings, white) or four bitboards are sufficient to represent the board. In his program Fabien applies his Blockers and Beyond like technique to generate king moves [3].

Computer Olympiads


Yokohama 2013

17th Computer Olympiad, Yokohama 2013, Andrew Lin, Ton Tillemans (Gold) and Tornado operator [4] [5]

Leiden 2015

18th Computer Olympiad, Leiden 2015, Bert Tuyt, Fabien Letouzey, Ron Van Bemmelen , TD Jaap Bus [6]



2000 …

2005 …

2010 …

2015 …

Forum Posts

2010 …

Re: Draughts at the ICGA Olympiad by Fabien Letouzey, CCC, April 30, 2015

2020 …

Computer Draughts

ELO rating computer draughts / computerdammen by Frank Mesander

Draughts Programs


Maximus for Android


  1. Starting position on a 10×10 draughts board, Image by Michel32Nl, CC BY-SA 3.0, International draughts from Wikipedia
  2. All 10x10 programs in the world
  3. personal communication of the editor with Fabien Letouzey at the 18th Computer Olympiad, July 04, 2015
  4. Photos 2013 Events: day 4, ICGA
  5. Games Tournament 2013 - 10×10 Draughts
  6. 18th Computer Olympiad - Day 7 Photos by Jan Krabbenbos
  7. (Free) draughts software by A. Presman, World Draughts Forum, April 21, 2012

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