Dragon Chess Assistant

Home * Engines * Dragon (Chess Assistant)

[ Ivan Bilibin - Zmey Gorynych [1] Dragon,

an analysis engine of Convekta’s Chess Assistant [2], recently declared as Handicap engine [3]. Not to confused with the original Dragon by Yuri Shpeer, CA’s Dragon is based on Centaur by Victor Vikhrev and Alexey Manjakhin with some code units from Mirage by Vladimir Rybinkin and Yuri Shpeer incorporated [4]. Like Mirage, Dragon applies possibly fractional ply increments while analyzing a position, for instance at reported depths of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 18 during iterative deepening [5] . According to the All you ever wanted to know about Convekta site by Robert Pawlak, Dragon was the work of Alexey Manjakhin [6] .


See also

Forum Posts




  1. Zmey Gorynych, 1912 Postcard by Ivan Bilibin, Dragon from Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons
  2. The London Chess Centre - New - from Chess Assistant
  3. Chess Assistant - ChessOK
  4. Заставить работать машину клиента! Конференция by Vladimir Rybinkin, Конференция iXBT.com, September 01, 2009
  5. Re: Dragon by George Essig, rgcc, May 02, 1997
  6. ChessAssistance.com All you ever wanted to know about Convekta by Robert Pawlak, September 12, 2004
  7. Re: Dragon x3, Nightmare x2, Jester x2 … by Frank Quisinsky, CCC, October 07, 2002

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