David KC3BChling

Home * People * David Kühling

David Kühling,

a German computer scientist and open source programmer with interests in the Forth programming language and embedded systems. He is involved in the implementation of Gforth [1] [2], and is author of the chess program Brainless written in Forth [3].

Selected Publication

  • M. Anton Ertl, David Kühling (2010). ABI-CODE: Increasing the portability of assembly language words. pdf [4]
  • David Kühling (2010). Forth auf dem Ben NanoNote. Vierte Dimension - Das Forth-Magazin, 4/2010, pdf (German)



  1. Gforth - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
  2. Gforth
  3. brainless - Browse Files at SourceForge.net
  4. Ben NanoNote from Wikipedia

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