David J. Barnes

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David J. Barnes [1] David John Barnes,

a British computer scientist and lecturer at School of Computing, University of Kent. His research interests include software testing and biological modelling. He is co-author of the introductory Java programming using the BlueJ IDE [2]. As a club-level chess player, he is author of the PGN processing tool pgn-extract [3]. Along with co-author Julio Hernández-Castro, David J. Barne researched and elaborated on engine analysis for cheating detection in chess [4], and also published the C++ and Java source code for an UCI based analyser for chess games in PGN notation [5].

Selected Publications




  1. Home page for DJ Barnes - School of Computing - University of Kent
  2. David J. Barnes, Michael Kölling (2005, 2016). Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction using BlueJ. Prentice Hall / Pearson Education
  3. pgn-extract: Portable Game Notation (PGN) Manipulator for Chess Games by David J. Barnes
  4. David J. Barnes, Julio Hernández-Castro (2015). On the limits of engine analysis for cheating detection in chess. Computers & Security, Vol. 48
  5. A UCI-based Chess Game Analyser
  6. dblp: David J. Barnes
  7. An API for the leJOS platform
  8. Lego Mindstorms from Wikipedia

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