Dana S. Nau

Home * People * Dana S. Nau

Dana S. Nau [1] Dana S. Nau,

an American computer scientist and professor at the University of Maryland, College Park. His research interests include artificial intelligence in game theory and planning, in particular HTN planning. Dana Nau discovered and elaborated on pathology on certain game trees, where a deeper search does not improve the decision quality, but makes the decision more and more random. Along with Stephen J.J. Smith and Thomas A. Throop, Dana Nau developed AI planning techniques in the Bridge program Bridge Baron [2] .

Selected Publications

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  • Dana S. Nau (1979). Quality of Decision Versus Depth of Search on Game Trees. Ph.D. thesis, Duke University, advisor Alan Biermann
  • Dana S. Nau (1979). Preliminary results regarding quality of play versus depth of search in game playing. First Internat. Symposium on Policy Analysis and Information Systems

1980 …

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Dana S. Nau Homepage
  2. Bridge Baron - The 1997 world champion of computer bridge uses AI planning techniques to plan its declarer play
  3. Dana Nau’s Publications
  4. dblp: Dana S. Nau
  5. ICGA Reference Database
  6. Ontology (information science) from Wikipedia

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