Dan Honeycutt

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Dan Honeycutt,

an American engineer and chess programmer. He already started his computer chess career as graduate student at Georgia Tech in the early 70s, when he wrote a little chess program in Basic, pure minimax with an evaluation consisting of material and center proximity [1]. More recently, Dan is author of the chess engines Bruja written in C++, its didactic little open source brother Simon and the Java open source engine Cupcake.

Forum Posts

2004 …

2010 …


  1. Your first chess program by Dan Honeycutt, CCC, April 20, 2012
  2. Mersenne twister from Wikipedia
  3. 64-bit KISS RNGs by George Marsaglia, comp.lang.fortran | Computer Group, February 28, 2009
  4. RKISS by Bob Jenkins

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