Crashtest Dummy

Home * Engines * Crashtest Dummy

[ Crash test dummy [1] Crashtest Dummy (Crash Test Dummy, CTD),

a Chess Engine Communication Protocol and UCI compliant experimental chess engine by Richard Pijl, intended as a test bed for his primary engine The Baron. Richard started with CTD in about 2004, when he was getting nowhere with improving the Baron. When CTD was able to play a game, he decided to give the Baron one more look, instantly removed the bug that was blocking improvement and kept CTD in a drawer. At another point Richard was about to retire the Baron and to work only on CTD, as its successor [2].

Tournament Play

Crashtest Dummy played the ICT 2007, the DOCCC 2007, the ICT 2008, and the CPT 2008, operated by Tessa Pijl.


Gian-Carlo Pascutto, Tessa Pijl operating CTD at the CPT 2008 [3]

Forum Posts

Dummy variable (statistics) from Wikipedia Free variables and bound variables from Wikipedia References

  1. Today’s featured article/May 21, 2004, Wikipedia
  2. Re: The Baron 2.23 by Richard Pijl, CCC, July 26, 2008
  3. Photo by Richard Pijl

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