Connor McMonigle

Home * People * Connor McMonigle

Connor McMonigle [1] Connor McMonigle,

an American computer science major at the University of Washington and member of its Advanced Robotics team [2]. He is author of the UCI compliant open source chess engine Seer using a custom NNUE implementation, first released in October 2020 [3]. His GitHub repository further provides a C++ template based neural network reference implementation [4], and the cartesian-gp-chess-engine, an experiment involving evolving cartesian genetic programs to evaluate chess positions, using self play to evolve slightly superior chess playing cartesian programs each generation [5].

Forum Posts


Re: Speculations about NNUE development (was New engine releases 2020) by Connor McMonigle, CCC, November 12, 2020 2021


  1. Advanced Robotics at University of Washington Team
  2. Advanced Robotics at University of Washington Team
  3. Re: New engine releases 2020 by Connor McMonigle, CCC, October 18, 2020
  4. GitHub - connormcmonigle/reference-neural-network
  5. GitHub - connormcmonigle/cartesian-gp-chess-engine: Experiment involving evolving cartesian genetic programs to evaluate chess positions
  6. Gao Huang, Zhuang Liu, Laurens van der Maaten, Kilian Q. Weinberger (2016). Densely Connected Convolutional Networks. arXiv:1608.06993

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