Computer Chess Forums

Home * Computer Chess Forums

[.jpg) The Forum Romanum in Rome [1]

Chess Programming Forums

Some of the more popular computer chess programming related forums:

Winboard Forum - Programming and Technical Discussions (Winboard Programming Forum) Winboard Forum - Archive (Old Parsimony Forum)

Discord Channels

Computer chess is actively discussed in several Discord channels:

Engine Forums

Some chess programs also have forums:

Chess Computers

Oldie & Retro Schachprogramme Endgame Tablebases

Rating Lists

News groups

Unmoderated newsgroups contain a lot of spam, but also a lot of valuable posts of the pre-CCC area in the archives:

Game & AI Forums

National Forums

Social and Ethic Aspects

Language and Rhetoric Aspects


  1. HDR panoramic view out of 9 pictures (3 exposures at 3 different angles). Picture taken from the Capitoline Museums by BeBo86, June 02, 2012, Wikimedia Commons

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