Compucolor Chess

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CompuColor Chess Box art [1] Compucolor Chess,

an early chess program written in 8080 assembly for the Compucolor and Compucolor II home computers, sold on cassette tapes [2] . Compucolor Chess played the Second West Coast Computer Faire Microcomputer Chess Tournament in March 1978 in the “8K or more of memory class A” [3] .

Graphics Characters

The Compucolor II had 64 special graphics characters which are also available have a resolution of 384 x 256. The whole set can be seen in an accompanying photograph and they include chess pieces and card suits.

Compucolor II Charater set [4]



  1. Software detail - Chess from
  2. Rob van Son (2011). De Assyrische krijgsman die vaak won! (Dutch) pdf hosted by Hein Veldhuis
  3. Larry Wagner (1978). Results of First Microcomputer Chess Tournament. Silicon Gulch Gazette, Vol. 2, No. 4, May 10, 1978, pg. 9
  4. Ron de Jong (1980). The Compucolor II. Electronics Australia, March, 1980, pdf from The MESSUI Place - Computer Articles

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