ChunBin Hsu

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Chun-Bin Hsu,

a Taiwanese computer scientist, holding a M.Sc. degree from National Chiao Tung University in 2006 on pattern recognition in Chinese Chess under advisor I-Chen Wu [1]. As member of the Computer Games and Intelligence (CGI) laboratory headed by professor I-Chen Wu, he contributed as co-author of the Chinese Chess program Chimo [2] [3].

Selected Publications


  1. Chun-Bin Hsu (2006). Pattern Recognition in Chinese Chess. Master thesis, National Chiao Tung University, pdf (Chinese)
  2. XiangQi Olympiad 2009 by Harm Geert Muller
  3. Shi-Jim Yen, Tsan-Cheng Su, I-Chen Wu (2011). Shiga wins Chinese Chess Tournament. ICGA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2

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