Christophe ThC3A9ron

Home * People * Christophe Théron

Christophe Théron [1] Christophe Théron,

a French computer chess programmer living in Guadeloupe. He started chess programming at the age of 17 in 1982 on a TRS-80 1.77 Mhz home computer [2]. Christophe is author of the chess engine Chess Tiger.

Forum Posts

1998 …

2000 …

0x88 is not so smart by Christophe Théron, CCC, June 13, 2000 Re: Question:1.hashtable 2.board 3.C by Christophe Théron, CCC, June 14, 2000 » Vector Attacks

2005 …

2010 …


  1. Chess Tiger - About us
  2. Meet the Authors by Ed Schröder

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