Chris J. Thornton

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Chris Thornton [1] Chris James Thornton,

a British computer scientist and lecturer in the Department of Informatics at the University of Sussex, and formerly a lecturer in the department of artificial intelligence at the University of Edinburgh. He holds a BA in economics, a M.Sc in computer science and a Ph.D. in artificial intelligence [2]. His research interests around information theory and cognitive science include machine learning, neural networks, data compression, computational creativity, the problem of induction, Kolmogorov complexity, sequence prediction, algorithmic music, analogy formation, minimum description length encoding, information refinement and formal concept analysis [3]. One of his lectures deals with game playing, Minimax, Negamax and Alpha-Beta [4].

Selected Publications


1987 …

  • Chris J. Thornton (1987). Hypercuboid-Formation Behaviour of Two Learning Algorithms. IJCAI 1987
  • Chris J. Thornton (1988). Links between Content and Information-Content. ECAI 1988 [6]
  • Chris J. Thornton (1988). A Computational Model for the Data Compression Metaphor. AIMSA 1988

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …

2020 …


  1. Chris Thornton
  2. Chris J. Thornton, Benedict Du Boulay (1992). Artificial Intelligence Through Search. Springer
  3. Spring term 2011 : Previous COGS seminars : … : Centre for Cognitive Science (COGS) : University of Sussex
  4. KR-IST - Lecture 5a Game playing with Minimax and Pruning
  5. dblp: Chris Thornton, includes Chris Thornton, University of British Columbia
  6. Information content from Wikipedia
  7. Jean Hayes Michie (2001). Machine Learning and Light Relief: A Review of Truth from Trash. AI Magazine, Vol. 22 No. 4, pdf

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