ChihHung Chen

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Chih-Hung Chen,

a Taiwanese computer scientist affiliated with the National Taiwan Normal University [1], and before with the Chang Jung University, already working with Shun-Shii Lin [2]. His research interests include grid computing and computer games, in particular Monte-Carlo tree search. Along with Terry Lao, he is co-author of the Chinese Dark Chess program TuxedoCat, and along with Shun-Shii Lin, co-author of the Chinese Chess engine Shark. Along with Shun-Shii Lin and Yen-Chi Chen, he further co-authored the Outer-Open Gomoku program and multiple Gold medal winner OOGiveMeFive [3].

Selected Publications


2010 …

2015 …

2020 …


  1. Yen-Chi Chen, Chih-Hung Chen, Shun-Shii Lin (2018). Exact-Win Strategy for Overcoming AlphaZero. CIIS 2018
  2. Shun-Shii Lin, Chih-Hung Chen, Shun-Chin Hsu, I-Chen Wu, Shi-Jim Yen, Jr-Chang Chen (2014). TCGA 2014 Computer Game Tournament. ICGA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 4
  3. Chih-Hung Chen, Shun-Shii Lin, Yen-Chi Chen (2017). An algorithmic design and implementation of outer-open gomoku. ICCCS 2017
  4. Chih-Hung Chen from ResearchGate

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