Home * Engines * CHEKMO-II


CHEKMO-II, (CheckMo-II) the classical chess program for the PDP-8, written in the 70s by Digital Equipment Corporation instructor John E. Comeau in PAL-8, the PDP-8 assembly [2].


[3] [4]:

CHEKMO-II is a chess playing program which will run on any PDP-8 family computer. The program will play either the white pieces or the black pieces, and will play and accept all classes of legal moves, including [castling](Castling "Castling") both short and long, [en passant](En_passant "En passant") pawn captures, and [pawn promoting moves](Promotions "Promotions") to any legal promotion piece. The program prints out its moves in [Algebraic Notation](Algebraic_Chess_Notation "Algebraic Chess Notation"), and [accepts moves](Entering_Moves "Entering Moves") using Algebraic Notation. Included in the command structure of the program are commands which allow you to input board positions using [Forsyth Notation](Forsyth-Edwards_Notation "Forsyth-Edwards Notation"), and get a printout of the board at your terminal. 

Known Deficiencies


CHEKMO-II has been programmed to use the same strategy [throughout the game](Game_Phases "Game Phases"). This strategy has been optimized for good play in the [Middlegame](Middlegame "Middlegame"), and [Opening](Opening "Opening"). As a result CHEKMO-II plays poor moves in some [Endgame](Endgame "Endgame") positions.
If either the white side or the black side becomes significantly more powerful than the other (about 4 queens) CHEKMO-II may play some strange, but legal moves. This is caused by overflow in an internal evaluator routine. 

See also

Forum Posts


  1. Image clipped from the video from Norbert’s Emulators | The Atari PDP-8 Emulator | b) Chess program CHEKMO-II
  2. File CHEKMO.PA (PAL assembler source file)
  3. DECUS Program Library PDP-8 Catalog 1978 (pdf)
  4. PDP-8 Chess (CHEKMO-II) Instructions
  5. PDP-8 Chess (CHEKMO-II) Instructions
  6. CHEKMO-II German manual (pdf)
  7. Re: Old programs CHAOS and USC by Dann Corbit, CCC, July 11, 2015

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