
Home * Engines * Charlie

Andreas Keil with Charlie in 1974 [1] Charlie,

a chess program, written in the early 70s by high school student Andreas Keil, becoming third winner of the German Jugend forscht youth science competition 1974, in the category of computer science and mathematics [2]. Charlie was written in over 6000 lines of assembly language and LIDIA (Lernen Im DIAlog), a language for computer-aided teaching [3]. Charlie played the First GI Computer Chess Tournament 1975 in Dortmund [4], where it ran on a Siemens 4004 [5]. Charlie further played the First European Computer Chess Championship 1976 in Amsterdam.

See also

Chess Program


Charlie Chaplin vs Samuel Reshevsky (1923) Checkers is for Tramps from


  1. Jugend forscht, 1974: Computerprogramm zum Schachspiel in Lidia/Assembler (German)
  2. Jugend forscht, 1974: Computerprogramm zum Schachspiel in Lidia/Assembler (German)
  3. LIDIA - Lernen Im DIAlog (Computer Language)
  4. Erstes Computer-Schachturnier der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Computerwoche 42/1975 (German)
  5. Computermuseum München, Siemens (German)

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