Carlos Justiniano

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Carlos Justiniano [1] Carlos Justiniano,

an American technologist, veteran software developer, entrepreneur and author, during the mid 90s project manager and technical lead on the Chessmaster 5000 at Mindscape [2]. Inspired by the SETI@home project in 2001 he began work on a personal project to create the largest distributed networked chess playing machine. Carlos was joined a few months later by Colin Frayn and together with hundreds of volunteers they created ChessBrain [3] .

Selected Publications

[4] [5]

Forum Posts


  1. Carlos Justiniano - | crunchbase
  2. CM5000 We welcome input! by Carlos Justiniano, rgc, December 29, 1994
  3. ChessBrain the world largest chess computer
  4. dblp: Carlos Justiniano
  5. ChessBrain Documentation

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