C393scar Toledo GutiC3A9rrez

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Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez [1] Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez,

a Mexican software developer, computer chess programmer and author of the minimalistic chess program Toledo, which won the 18th International Obfuscated C Code Contest (IOCCC) in 2005, Best Game competition. With the improved Toledo Nanochess , Óscar held the lead in The World’s Smallest Chess Program [2], in a tough competition with H.G. Muller’s Micro-Max. Óscar further won multiple categories at the 19th IOCCC in 2006 [3], Most Portable Chess Set for Toledo 2 with GUI and Best of Show award with his Intel 8080 emulator.

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  1. Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez - About me
  2. Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez (2009). The World’s Smallest Chess Program. ICGA Journal, Vol. 32, No. 1
  3. International Obfuscated C Code Contest - Toledo Nanochess from Wikipedia
  4. Toledo Nanochess: The commented source code (book) by Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez, CCC, February 11, 2014

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