C381rpC3A1d Rusz

Home * People * Árpád Rusz

Árpád Rusz [1] Árpád Rusz,

a Romanian chess player [2] and chess endgame study composer [3] . He contributed along with Guy Haworth on Position Criticality in Chess Endgames at the Advances in Computer Games 13 conference in Tilburg [4] , demonstrating the implementation of their algorithm to help analyze uniqueness in endgame positions objectively with a chess variant called Starchess [5] , invented by László Polgár in 2002, which has a star-shaped board of 37 hexagons [6].

Selected Publications


2007 …

2010 …

2015 …


  1. Chess Endgame Study Composition by Árpád Rusz
  2. Arpad Rusz chess games - 365Chess.com
  3. Informal Tourney “Magyar Sakkvilag – 2006” The award and the judgement report A/ General category B/ Database category (pdf)
  4. Guy McCrossan Haworth, Árpád Rusz (2011). Position Criticality in Chess Endgames. Advances in Computer Games 13
  5. Polgar Starchess
  6. Polgar Superstar Chess (Starchess)

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