ByoungTak Zhang

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Byoung-Tak Zhang [1] Byoung-Tak Zhang,

a Korean computer scientist, cognitive scientist, professor of artificial intelligence and cognitive science at Seoul National University, and director of its Center for Biointelligence Technology [2] , as well as head of its Cognitive Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Group (CRAIG). He holds a Ph.D. in CS and AI from University of Bonn in 1992, where his advisors include Gerd Veenker and Armin Cremers, and had various research and teaching appointments in academia and industry, such as visiting scholar and professor at MIT and Princeton University. His research interests include neuroinformatics, probabilistic models of brain and cognition, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and robotics.

Selected Publications


1990 …

2000 …

  • Byoung-Tak Zhang, Je-Gun Joung (2000). Building Optimal Committees of Genetic Programs. PPSN 2000, pdf
  • Byoung-Tak Zhang (2008). Hypernetworks: A molecular evolutionary architecture for cognitive learning and memory. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 3, pdf
  • Byoung-Tak Zhang (2009). Teaching an agent by playing a multimodal memory game: challenges for machine learners and human teachers. AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Agents that Learn from Human Teachers, pdf

2010 …


  1. Byoung-Tak Zhang | LinkedIn
  2. Center for Biointelligence Technology | SNU Computer Science and Engineering
  3. dblp: Byoung-Tak Zhang

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