BratkoKopec Test

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The Bratko-Kopec Test (BK-Test) was designed by Ivan Bratko and Danny Kopec in 1982 at the University of Edinburgh [1]. The Bratko-Kopec Test was widely discussed [2], updated [3] and revisited [4] [5] [6].


by Danny Kopec [7]:

The Bratko-Kopec Test was designed by [Dr. Ivan Bratko](Ivan_Bratko "Ivan Bratko") and [Dr. Danny Kopec](Danny_Kopec "Danny Kopec") in 1982 to evaluate human or machine chess ability based on the presence or absence of certain knowledge (i.e. Master, Expert, Novice, etc). This test has been a standard for nearly 20 years in computer chess. Experience has shown it very reliable in corresponding to the chess rating of humans and machines. 


Extended Position Description [8][9]

1k1r4/pp1b1R2/3q2pp/4p3/2B5/4Q3/PPP2B2/2K5 b - - bm Qd1+; id "BK.01";
3r1k2/4npp1/1ppr3p/p6P/P2PPPP1/1NR5/5K2/2R5 w - - bm d5; id "BK.02";
2q1rr1k/3bbnnp/p2p1pp1/2pPp3/PpP1P1P1/1P2BNNP/2BQ1PRK/7R b - - bm f5; id "BK.03";
rnbqkb1r/p3pppp/1p6/2ppP3/3N4/2P5/PPP1QPPP/R1B1KB1R w KQkq - bm e6; id "BK.04";
r1b2rk1/2q1b1pp/p2ppn2/1p6/3QP3/1BN1B3/PPP3PP/R4RK1 w - - bm Nd5 a4; id "BK.05";
2r3k1/pppR1pp1/4p3/4P1P1/5P2/1P4K1/P1P5/8 w - - bm g6; id "BK.06";
1nk1r1r1/pp2n1pp/4p3/q2pPp1N/b1pP1P2/B1P2R2/2P1B1PP/R2Q2K1 w - - bm Nf6; id "BK.07";
4b3/p3kp2/6p1/3pP2p/2pP1P2/4K1P1/P3N2P/8 w - - bm f5; id "BK.08";
2kr1bnr/pbpq4/2n1pp2/3p3p/3P1P1B/2N2N1Q/PPP3PP/2KR1B1R w - - bm f5; id "BK.09";
3rr1k1/pp3pp1/1qn2np1/8/3p4/PP1R1P2/2P1NQPP/R1B3K1 b - - bm Ne5; id "BK.10";
2r1nrk1/p2q1ppp/bp1p4/n1pPp3/P1P1P3/2PBB1N1/4QPPP/R4RK1 w - - bm f4; id "BK.11";
r3r1k1/ppqb1ppp/8/4p1NQ/8/2P5/PP3PPP/R3R1K1 b - - bm Bf5; id "BK.12";
r2q1rk1/4bppp/p2p4/2pP4/3pP3/3Q4/PP1B1PPP/R3R1K1 w - - bm b4; id "BK.13";
rnb2r1k/pp2p2p/2pp2p1/q2P1p2/8/1Pb2NP1/PB2PPBP/R2Q1RK1 w - - bm Qd2 Qe1; id "BK.14";
2r3k1/1p2q1pp/2b1pr2/p1pp4/6Q1/1P1PP1R1/P1PN2PP/5RK1 w - - bm Qxg7+; id "BK.15";
r1bqkb1r/4npp1/p1p4p/1p1pP1B1/8/1B6/PPPN1PPP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - bm Ne4; id "BK.16";
r2q1rk1/1ppnbppp/p2p1nb1/3Pp3/2P1P1P1/2N2N1P/PPB1QP2/R1B2RK1 b - - bm h5; id "BK.17";
r1bq1rk1/pp2ppbp/2np2p1/2n5/P3PP2/N1P2N2/1PB3PP/R1B1QRK1 b - - bm Nb3; id "BK.18";
3rr3/2pq2pk/p2p1pnp/8/2QBPP2/1P6/P5PP/4RRK1 b - - bm Rxe4; id "BK.19";
r4k2/pb2bp1r/1p1qp2p/3pNp2/3P1P2/2N3P1/PPP1Q2P/2KRR3 w - - bm g4; id "BK.20";
3rn2k/ppb2rpp/2ppqp2/5N2/2P1P3/1P5Q/PB3PPP/3RR1K1 w - - bm Nh6; id "BK.21";
2r2rk1/1bqnbpp1/1p1ppn1p/pP6/N1P1P3/P2B1N1P/1B2QPP1/R2R2K1 b - - bm Bxe4; id "BK.22";
r1bqk2r/pp2bppp/2p5/3pP3/P2Q1P2/2N1B3/1PP3PP/R4RK1 b kq - bm f6; id "BK.23";
r2qnrnk/p2b2b1/1p1p2pp/2pPpp2/1PP1P3/PRNBB3/3QNPPP/5RK1 w - - bm f4; id "BK.24";


Forum Posts


  1. Ivan Bratko, Danny Kopec (1982). A Test for Comparison of Human and Computer Performance in Chess. Advances in Computer Chess 3
  2. Bratko-Kopec #2 by Bruce Moreland, rgcc, November 13, 1996
  3. Danny Kopec, Enrique Irazoqui, Ivan Bratko (1983). The Updated Bratko-Kopec Test. Computer Chess Digest Annual pp. 45-63
  4. Tony Marsland (1990). The Bratko-Kopec Test Revisited. ICCA Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1
  5. Tony Marsland (1990). The Bratko-Kopec Test Revisited. Computers, Chess, and Cognition, pp. 217-223
  6. Shawn Benn, Danny Kopec (1993). The Bratko-Kopec Test Recalibrated. ICCA Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3, pdf
  7. Kopec Chess Services - The Bratko-Kopec Test
  8. Test suites by David Rasmussen, rgcc, October 25, 1998
  9. Sanny: Some test positions for you by Guest,, August 18, 2008
  10. Revised version of the paper Comparison and Testing of Six Commercial Computer Chess Programs, presented at the WCCC 1992 - Workshop: The Impact of Computer Chess on AI Research by Tony Marsland

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