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Borko Bošković [1] Borko Bošković,

a Slovenian computer scientist, and assistant professor at Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory [2] , Institute of Computer Science at University of Maribor. His research focus is on evolutionary computation, in particular differential evolution applied to protein folding optimization, also used in automated tuning of chess engines, which was topic of his 2010 Ph.D. thesis [3] . Borko Bošković is author of the open source engines BBChess and MinkoChess, both under the GNU General Public License.

Selected Publications

[4] [5]

2005 …

2010 …

2015 …


  1. Borko Bošković - Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory
  2. Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory
  3. Borko Bošković (2011) Differential Evolution for the Tuning of a Chess Evaluation Function. Ph.D. thesis
  4. Borko Bošković - Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory
  5. DBLP: Borko Boskovic

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