Boris Stilman

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Boris Stilman [1] Boris M. Stilman,

a Russian mathematician, computer scientist, electrical engineer and researcher in artificial intelligence. Since 1991, he is professor of computer science at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Colorado Denver, since 2019 professor emeritus [2], and since 1999 chairman & CEO of Stilman Advanced Strategies, Denver, Colorado [3]. From 1972 until 1988, Boris Stilman worked with Mikhail Botvinnik and Alexander Yudin et al. on the project Pioneer.

Linguistic Geometry

While Pioneer has never been finished, Stilman developed the experimental and mathematical foundations of an approach to search problems in artificial intelligence, and during a visit at McGill University in 1990 - 1991, originated Linguistic Geometry (LG), a game theory for extensive discrete games scalable to the level of real life defense systems, allowing to avoid the combinatorial explosion by changing the paradigm from search to construction, that is from analysis to synthesis [4].


Alexander Reznitskiy, Boris Stilman, Mikhail Donskoy, Mikhail Botvinnik, Monty & Amy Newborn [5] [6] [7]

Selected Publications

[8] [9] [10] [11]

1975 …

  • Boris Stilman (1975). Formirovanie Mnozestva Puchkov Traektorii. (Formation of the Set of Trajectory Bundles) in Mikhail Botvinnik (1975). O Kiberneticheskoi Celi Igri (On the Cybernetic Goal of Games), Soviet Radio, Moscow, pp. 70-78
  • Boris Stilman (1977). The Computer Learns. in David Levy (1977). 1976 US Computer Chess Championship. Computer Science Press, Woodland Hills, CA
  • Mikhail Botvinnik, Boris Stilman, Alexander Yudin (1978). Iskusstvennyǐ šahmatnyǐ Vestnik. (An Artificial chess master) Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSSR, 1978, No. 4
  • Boris Stilman (1979). Zoni Igri. (Fields of Play), in Mikhail Botvinnik (1979). O Reshenii Netochnih Prebornih Zadach. (On Solving Inexact Search Problems), Soviet Radio, Moscow, pp. 70-104
  • Boris Stilman, Michael Tsfasman (1979). Pozicionnaja Ocenka i Prioriteti. (Positional Value and Assignment of Priorities), in Mikhail Botvinnik (1979). O Reshenii Netochnih Prebornih Zadach. (On Solving Inexact Search Problems), Soviet Radio, Moscow, pp. 104-109.

1980 …

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Boris Stilman - LinkedIn
  2. Boris Stilman | University of Colorado Denver, USA | Allied Academies
  3. Linguistic Geometry Tools - LG-PACKAGE (pdf)
  4. Boris Stilman - RESUME.pdf
  5. Tony Marsland, Monty Newborn (1981). A brighter future for Soviet computer chess? ICCA Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 1, pdf
  6. Monroe Newborn and Soviet computer chess developers in Moscow, Gift of Monroe Newborn, 1980
  7. Computer chess pioneer Mikhail Donskoy passes on, ChessBase News, January 16, 2009
  8. ICGA Reference Database
  9. Linguistic Geometry - Related Publications
  10. dblp: Boris Stilman
  11. Boris Stilman (2000). Linguistic Geometry - From Search to Construction. Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series, Springer, References

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