Bernhard Balkenhol

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Bernhard Balkenhol [1] Bernhard Balkenhol,

a German mathematician, computer scientist and authorized officer and CEO in the IT industry [2]. Until 2014, he served as visiting lecturer at Bielefeld University, where he already received a diplom in 1992, and a Ph.D. degree in 1995 under supervision of Rudolf Ahlswede and Ingo Althöfer. His research interests include search algorithms and data compression. Based on Jürg Nievergelt’s idea of asking a sequence of yes-no-questions [3], Balkenhol elaborated on compression in encoding typical chess positions with less than 136 bits, as published in the ICCA Journal [4].

Selected Publications

[5] [6]

1990 …

2000 …


  1. Dr. Bernhard Balkenhol - Homepage
  2. Bernhard Balkenhol | LinkedIn
  3. Jürg Nievergelt (1977). Information content of chess positions. ACM SIGART Newsletter, Vol. 62
  4. Bernhard Balkenhol (1994). Data Compression in Encoding Chess Positions. ICCA Journal, Vol. 17, No. 3, zipped ps
  5. dblp: Bernhard Balkenhol
  6. Dr. Bernhard Balkenhol - Publications

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