Bernard Helmstetter

Home * People * Bernard Helmstetter

Bernard Helmstetter [1] Bernard Helmstetter,

a French computer scientist, game researcher and programmer at Paris 8 University, a 5 Dan Go player [2], and along with Bruno Bouzy and Tristan Cazenave one of the pioneers in Monte-Carlo Tree Search [3] and its application in Computer Go [4]. Bernard Helmstetter is author of the Lines of Action program BING (Bing Is Not Gnuchess), which re-utilize large parts of code from GNU Chess, and the Go program Oleg.

Selected Publications



  1. Helmstetter Bernard
  2. Sensei’s Library: Bernard Helmstetter
  3. Rémi Coulom (2007). Monte-Carlo Tree Search in Crazy Stone. slides as pdf
  4. Bruno Bouzy, Bernard Helmstetter (2003). Monte Carlo Go Developments. Advances in Computer Games 10, pdf
  5. DBLP: Bernard Helmstetter

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