Bell Laboratories

Home * Organizations * Bell Laboratories

[ Analemma over Bell Labs [1] Bell Laboratories, (Nokia Bell Labs)

also formerly known as AT&T Bell Laboratories and Bell Telephone Laboratories, at Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA, an American research and scientific development company, since 2016 owned by Finnish company Nokia [2].


Computer Chess

Computer Science

Programming Languages

Chess Programs

See also


  1. Afternoon analemma photo taken in 1998–99 by Jack Fishburn in Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA. The Bell Laboratories building is in the foreground, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons
  2. Bell Laboratories from Wikipedia
  3. Rob Pike - Google+ - I just heard that, after a long illness, Dennis Ritchie died …
  4. Dennis Ritchie, 1941-2011: Computer scientist, Unix co-creator, C programming language designer
  5. Dennis M Ritchie, RIP by Ron Murawski, CCC, October 13, 2011

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