Bart Weststrate

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Bart Weststrate [1] Bart Weststrate,

a Dutch software developer, computer chess programmer and author of the former commercial chess program Kallisto, which had its debut at DOCCC 1987, and is still active in development.


DOCCC 2004

Bart Weststrate, …, Tom Vijlbrief, Hans Secelle, DOCCC 2004 [2]

ICT 2013

ICT 2013 round 6, Fonzy Bluemers and Bart Weststrate [3], Dirty - Kallisto


** Up one level**1. MegaByte - Messemaker 1847 Gouda, 20 October 2001, Photo Gallery by Rob van Son 2. 24th Dutch Open Computer Chess Championship 2004 - Photo Gallery 3. ICT Round 6, CSVN site, Photos by Jan Krabbenbos