Bart Goldhoorn

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Bart Goldhoorn [1] Bart Goldhoorn,

a Dutch computer chess programmer, and author of the chess program Goldbar. Bart is active in computer chess since the early 90s and had his tournament debut with Goldbar at the DOCCC 1992.


DOCCC 1992

DOCCC 1992, Round 3: Quest vs. Goldbar, Joost Buijs (watching), Bart Goldhoorn and Frans Morsch [2]

DOCCC 2004

DOCCC 2004, Bart Goldhoorn operating Goldbar [3]


  1. from the Photo Composition of the Participants, DOCCC 1999, Dutch Open Computer Chess Championship 1999 old CSVN site
  2. Photo courtesy Joost Buijs, July 24, 2015
  3. 24th Open Dutch Computer Chess Championship 2004 - Photo Gallery

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