Arturo Ochoa

Home * People * Arturo Ochoa

Arturo Ochoa M.,

a Venezuelan computer chess expert, early WinBoard promoter [1], and opening book author, who cooperated with many chess programmers and cooked opening books for their engines as used in tournaments or released with the engine.

Notable Engines

Forum Posts

2000 …

2010 …


  1. DAS SCHACHPORTAL - Schachsoftware (German)
  2. Green Light Chess (v3.00)
  3. CCT6 by Volker Richey
  4. Information: Diep and the Opening Book by Arturo Ochoa, CCC, August 14, 2004
  5. Re: Dutch Open: the story of the game Fruit - Diep by Arturo Ochoa, CCC, November 19, 2005
  6. Zappa Chess Engine
  7. Re: Komodo - Rybka in Danger? by Arturo Ochoa, CCC, January 21, 2010
  8. About – Chiron Chess Engine

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