Arnold K. Griffith

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Arnold K. Griffith,

an American mathematician, computer scientist and AI researcher. In the early 60s, he was affiliated with the University of Florida, where he wrote an introduction to Lisp [1]. Since the mid 60s, he worked on AI topics within Project MAC at MIT, where he defended his Ph.D. under advisor Seymour Papert in 1970 on computer vision, in particular on line and edge detection in raster images [2]. His further research interests include reinforcement learning as applied to the static evaluation of the game of Checkers [3] [4], and game tree search. In 1976, he published an empirical exploration of the performance of alpha-beta [5].

Selected Publications


1960 …

1970 …


  1. Arnold K. Griffith (1962). An Introduction to LISP. Quantum Theory Project, University of Florida, pdf
  2. Arnold K. Griffith (1970). Computer Recognition of Prismatic Solids. Ph.D. thesis, MIT, advisor Seymour Papert
  3. Arnold K. Griffith (1966). A new Machine-Learning Technique applied to the Game of Checkers. MIT, Project MAC, MAC-M-293
  4. Arthur Samuel (1967). Some Studies in Machine Learning. Using the Game of Checkers. II-Recent Progress. pdf
  5. Arnold K. Griffith (1976). Empirical Exploration of the Performance of the Alpha-Beta Tree-Searching Heuristic. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-25, No. 1
  6. dblp: Arnold K. Griffith

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