
Home * Engines * Ares

[ Ares [1] Ares,

a chess program of the early 90s by Frans van Gool and Erik Leenders written in ANSI C. Ares played three Dutch Open Computer Chess Championships, the DOCCC 1990, the DOCCC 1991 and the DOCCC 1992, running on a SUN-SPARCstation 670 [2], as well in the C-Language Division of Don Beal’s Uniform-Platform Computer Chess Championship in 1992.

See also



  1. Helmeted young warrior, so-called Ares. Roman copy from a Greek original—this is a plaster replica, the original is now stored in the Museum of the Villa Canope at the Villa Adriana in Tivoli, Ares from Wikipedia
  2. Deelnemers NK Computerschaak 1992 by Dennis Breuker
  3. Ares 1.0 in honor of the NASA Ares I-X Space Rocket by Charles Roberson, CCC, October 31, 2009

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