Ard van Bergen

Home * People * Ard van Bergen

Ard van Bergen [1] Arie Riemer Dirk van Bergen, (Ard van Bergen, A.R.D. van Bergen)

a Dutch physicist, scientific consultant and director of Novidec Ltd., Cheshire, England [2] [3], as well as chess player active in the Chester Chess Club [4]. He defended his Ph.D. in atomic physics in 1987 at Utrecht University. As former computer chess and games programmer, Ard is author of the chess programs PK80/83 and Shess, and the Draughts program TN83. Along with Stef Keetman, he developed the Draughts engine for Oxford Softworks’ Intelligent Strategy Games 10 [5].


from Ard’s Chesspage [6]:

Also, when I was a student, I started to develop my own chess program which competed many times in the [Dutch National Championship](Dutch_Open_Computer_Chess_Championship "Dutch Open Computer Chess Championship") organised by the [CSVN](CSVN "CSVN"). The best result my program obtained was a shared second place in 1983. It also competed twice ([Cologne 1986](WCCC_1986 "WCCC 1986") and [Edmonton 1989](WCCC_1989 "WCCC 1989")) in the World Championship organised by the [ICCA](ICCA "ICCA") (now [ICGA](ICGA "ICGA")). 

Selected Publications

[7] [8]

1985 …

1990 …


  1. Ard’s homepage
  2. Novidec - Home
  3. NOVIDEC LTD - Officers (free information from Companies House)
  4. History – Chester Chess Club 1919-20xx
  5. Intelligent Strategy Games 10 (1993) DOS credits - MobyGames
  6. Ard’s Chesspage
  7. ICGA Reference Database
  8. Publications by Ard van Bergen

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