Andy Walker

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Andy Walker [1] Andrew N. (Andy) Walker,

a British mathematician and computer scientist, affiliated with the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham [2], with research interests in game theory and as a chess player [3], in computer chess. He published in the ICGA Journal on search algorithms to solve certain chess problems - in particular helpmates and series-helpmates [4], and on search heuristics in the KQKR endgame [5], lectured at two Advances in Computer Chess conferences, and is author of the didactic chess program NotChess, written in C and originated as a simple program to help teach university students taking a game theory course [6] [7].

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  1. Dr A. N. Walker’s Home Page ( Wayback Machine)
  2. History - The University of Nottingham
  3. Nottinghamshire Chess Association - Home
  4. Andrew N. Walker (1984). Uniqueness in Game Trees. ICCA Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4
  5. Andrew N. Walker (1996). Hybrid Heuristic Search. ICCA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1
  6. Don Beal (1993). Report on the QMW 1993 Uniform-Platform Computer Chess Championship. ICCA Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3
  7. QMW computer chess by Don Beal, rgc, August 19, 1993
  8. ICGA Reference Database

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