Andreas L. Opdahl

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Andreas L. Opdahl [1] Andreas Lothe Opdahl,

a Norwegian computer scientist and professor at Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen. His research focuses on development, management and use of enterprise models which support information systems development and operations, in particular enterprise models for interoperability between enterprises and their information systems, and before, on software performance evaluation. In 1993, along with Bjørnar Tessem, he contributed to computer chess at the Advances in Computer Chess 7 conference on the topic of Long-Term Planning.

Long-Term Planning in Computer Chess

Abstract [2]

A Framework for long-term planning in computer chess is sketched and as an example the [King's Indian Defence]( is proposed schematically. Chess plans are represented as logical initiation, fulfilment and abandonment conditions and as modifications to the parameters used to [evaluate](Evaluation "Evaluation") [nodes](Node "Node") in a [minimax search](Minimax "Minimax"). Several such plans are than combined to form a [directed acyclic graph]( (DAG) through which the program moves as the game progresses. Rules are represented to support creation, maintenence and consistency of the resulting plan DAGs. Funally, further work is suggested.

Selected Publications

[3] [4]

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …

2020 …


  1. Andreas Lothe Opdahl | University of Bergen
  2. Andreas L. Opdahl, Bjørnar Tessem (1994). Long-Term Planning in Computer Chess. Advances in Computer Chess 7
  3. ICGA Reference Database
  4. dblp: Andreas L. Opdahl
  5. Unified Modeling Language from Wikipedia
  6. Extended Enterprise Modeling Language

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