Allard Siemelink

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Allard Siemelink [1] Allard Siemelink,

a Dutch computer scientist, IT consultant, and as computer chess programmer author of the chess engines Bright and Spark, which both support the UCI protocol. While Bright utilize a 0x88 board representation, the later Spark started as perft framework using bitboard techniques and experimental program to explore new ideas in search and evaluation.


ICT 2010 price giving: Hans Secelle, Allard Siemelink, Hans van der Zijden, Johan de Koning, and Don Dailey [2]


Quote by Allard Siemelink from the Frank Quisinsky interview published in the German online chess magazine Schachwelt [3]:

In 1999, when I was working as an [ICT]( consultant for [CMG]( (now [Logica](, some colleagues started a company competition for who could write the best chess engine. It took me two weeks to create something in [Java](Java "Java"), and although it was slow and only searched 5 plies deep, it did manage to beat the competition, which incidentally consisted of the two tournament organisers themselves only. Later, when I first learned about [bitboards](Bitboards "Bitboards"), I just had to give that idea a try and I wrote a new Java engine based on that technique. And although it eventually did fairly well (it was probably 2500-2600 elo'ish), it turned out that Java just wasn't fast enough to be competitive.  Have become fully infected by the computer chess virus by that time, I switched to [C++](Cpp "Cpp") and eventually I created Bright. 

Forum Posts


  1. Allard Siemelink, clipped from ICT 2010 photo
  2. ICT 2010, image from Computerschaak - ICT 10 Final Results
  3. Interview with Allard Siemelink by Frank Quisinsky, Schachwelt, January 10, 2010

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