Alexey Manjakhin

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Alexey Manjakhin [1] Alexey Manjakhin,

a Russian physicist and scientist affiliated with the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow, and computer chess programmer. Along with Victor Vikhrev, Alexey is co-author of the chess program Centaur [2]. According to the All you ever wanted to know about Convekta site by Robert Pawlak, Alexey is 2600 rated chess player, was further involved in the development of Chess Assistant, and programmed CA’s Dragon analysis chess engine, not to confused with the original Russian Dragon by Yuri Shpeer, but based on Centaur with some code units of Mirage by Vladimir Rybinkin and Yuri Shpeer incorporated [3].

See also


  1. All you ever wanted to know about Convekta by Robert Pawlak, September 12, 2004
  2. Centaur’s ICGA Tournaments
  3. Заставить работать машину клиента! Конференция by Vladimir Rybinkin, Конференция, September 01, 2009

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