Alex Brunetti

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Alex Brunetti [1] Alex Brunetti,

an Italian computer scientist, graduate from Polytechnic University of Milan in 1990 [2], candidate chess master, chess programmer, and author of the chess engine Protej. During the 2006 M-Tel Masters, he won “Play Like Topalov” competition by guessing a total of 209 moves played by the Bulgarian GM, and was invited in 2007 to play a demonstration match against the blindfolded Veselin Topalov [3] [4] [5].

Forum Posts





  1. Alex Brunetti, WCCC 2006 operating Delfi, Photo by Gerd Isenberg
  2. Alex Brunetti | LinkedIn
  3. Bulgaria’s Topalov Wins Exhibition Chess Match - - Sofia News Agency, May 9, 2007
  4. Veselin Topalov – Alex Brunetti | Chessdom, May 8, 2007
  5. Interview with Alex Brunetti | Chessdom, May 9, 2007

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