Alessandro Damiani

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Alessandro Damiani,

an Italian/Swiss computer scientist and lead application developer [1], born and living in Switzerland. He graduated in computer science and mathematics from ETH Zurich in 1999. As computer chess programmer and founding member of the Gruppo Scacchi e Informatica, Alessandro is author of the chess engine Fortress [2] and creator of Rotated Indices, a deconcentrated version of Rotated Bitboards [3].

Forum Posts

1997 …

2000 …


  1. Alessandro Damiani - LinkedIn
  2. New Version: FORTRESS V1.5, the new Morphy? by Alessandro Damiani, CCC, January 15, 1999
  3. Re: Resources about rotated bitboards by Alessandro Damiani, CCC, January 16, 2004
  4. Jeff Rollason (2007). Negative Plausibility. AI Factory, Spring 2007

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