Abdallah Saffidine

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Abdallah Saffidine [1] Abdallah Saffidine,

a French computer scientist and games researcher, currently at University of New South Wales. He hold a Ph.D. from Lamsade, Paris Dauphine University in 2013 [2]. His research interests include Linear temporal logic (LTL) model checking, Monte-Carlo tree search, Proof-number search and General Game Playing. Along with Tristan Cazenave, Abdallah Saffidine is co-author of the Hex program Yopt, which performs Monte-Carlo Tree Search.

Selected Publications



2010 …





2015 …

2020 …


  1. Abdallah Saffidine - Google Scholar Citations
  2. Abdallah Saffidine (2013). Solving Games and All That. Ph.D. thesis, Université Paris-Dauphine, advisor Tristan Cazenave
  3. dblp: Abdallah Saffidine
  4. Modal logic from Wikipedia
  5. Dap Hartmann (2013). From to αβ to ABCD and SMAB. Review. ICGA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 4
  6. PSPACE-complete from Wikipedia
  7. Trick-taking game from Wikipedia

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