Marvin Minsky

Home * People * Marvin Minsky

[ Marvin Minsky in 2008 [1] Marvin Lee Minsky, (August 9, 1927 - January 24, 2016 [2])

was an American mathematician, philosopher, cognitive scientist, and pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence. Along with John McCarthy, he co-founded the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s AI laboratory. In 1951, Minsky built the first randomly wired neural network learning machine, SNARC, and in 1969, along with Seymour Papert authored Perceptrons, which became the foundational work in the analysis of artificial neural networks [3], also refered as the abandonment of connectionism, a controversy in the history of AI concerning the Perceptron and its main researcher Frank Rosenblatt [4].

Selected Publications

[7] [8]

1950 …

1960 …

1970 …

1980 …

2000 …

Forum Posts


  1. Marvin Minsky visiting the OLPC offices, August 26, 2008, Marvin Minsky from Wikipedia
  2. Marvin Minsky 1927-2016 | MIT Media Lab
  3. Marvin Minsky from Wikipedia
  4. Frank Rosenblatt (1962). Principles of Neurodynamics: Perceptrons and the Theory of Brain Mechanisms. Spartan Books
  5. 2001: A Space Odyssey | Science | Accuracy
  6. Marvin Minsky from Wikipedia | Biography
  7. Marvin Minsky’s Home Page | Some Publications
  8. Selected Publications of Marvin Minsky
  9. The abandonment of connectionism in 1969 - Wikipedia
  10. Frank Rosenblatt (1962). Principles of Neurodynamics: Perceptrons and the Theory of Brain Mechanisms. Spartan Books
  11. K-line (artificial intelligence) from Wikipedia
  12. Matthew L. Ginsberg (1991). Marvin Minsky, The Society of Mind. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 48
  13. Terasem Journal of Personal Cyberconsciousness - Marvin Lee Minsky discussing his book, The Emotion Machine
  14. The Minsky Circle Algorithm – Random (Blog) by Neil Bickford, April 3, 2011

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